Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Opening Leads #2

Opening Leads #2

Opening leads are one of the most difficult topics in bridge. Even the best players will make leads that look foolish every now and then. That said, forcing yourself to think about opening leads will also make sure that you are paying close attention to the auction. See if you can find the winning lead on the following hands. 

You are West and you hold:

♠ 1094  
♥ 5  
♦ A10543  
♣ QJ62

What is your lead after the following auction?

   1♠  Pass  1NT
 Pass  2♠  Pass  3♠
 All Pass      
Choose One:








You are West and you hold:

♠A32 ♠K7643 ♠864 ♠75

What do you lead after this auction?

   1♠ Pass  2♠
 Pass  2♠ Pass   3♠
 Pass  3NT Pass  6♠
 All Pass      
Choose One:






You are West and you hold: 

♠42 ♠K84 ♠J1098 ♠A5432


What is your lead after this auction?

 Pass  2♠  Pass  3♠
 Pass  3♠  Pass  5NT*
 Pass  6♠  All Pass  

*5NT is known as "Pick-a-slam"


Choose One:





You are West and you hold: 

♠KQJ5 ♠A6 ♠K10742 ♠43


What do you lead after this auction?

 All Pass      

*This is a gambling 3NT bid, showing a solid 7-card suit (usually a minor) with no outside aces or kings.

Choose One:




You are West and you hold:

♠AQ72 ♠KJ5 ♠KQ94 ♠64

What is your lead after this auction: 

 Pass  3NT  All Pass  
Choose One:




