Lightner Doubles

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 10/05/2008
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Theodore Lightner

Theodore Lightner invented the idea of doubling a slam to ask for an unusual lead. "Unusual" typically means one of two things:

  1. Doubler has a void and wants a ruff.
  2. Doubler wants dummy's suit led.

The doubler expects that without alerting his partner to the need for a special lead, the slam will make. Lightner doubles are not alertable.


Say you are on lead after this auction:


   1?  Pass 1?
Pass 3? Pass 4NT
Pass 5? Pass 6?
Pass  Pass  Dbl All Pass

You hold: ?5
?Q J 7
?Q 2
?10 8 7 6 5 3 2
.  Likely, partner has a club void, so a club lead is indicated.  (It isn't likely a diamond lead is needed based on your hand and the auction).


If you would like to learn more about Doubles, you'll find them in Larry's book:  Doubles Book

Larry covers many topics on his cruises, including Doubles. For more information: