Adding half a point for 10's

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 12/01/2016
Level: Beginner to Intermediate

It is common knowledge that the traditional system for counting High Card Points (HCP) is flawed. Ace=4, King-3, Queen=2 and Jack=1 overvalues jacks while undervaluing aces and kings.

More accurate is something like:
A=4 1/2
K=3 1/3

I don't recommend using those fractions, but is is good to be aware of. All these fractions would give most people a headache.

I'd like to propose a simple solution.

When your hand is heavy with aces/kings (as opposed to having lots of jacks), just take a slightly optimistic view if you need to. For example, if you are thinking of going on, do so.  After 1♠-3♠, go to 4♠ with:

♠ A10876  
♥ A2  
♦ A432  
♣ 54

but, pass with:

♠ QJ542  
♥ Q2  
♦ KJ32  
♣ KJ.

The 4-3-2-1 system also doesn't account for 10's and 9's.

Some teachers espouse counting 10's as 1/2 and 9's as 1/4. Again, I hesitate to make a player calculate fractions.

Regarding 10's, not all of them are useful. The ♠10 in each layout below is worthless:

♠10xx opposite ♠Jxx
♠10x opposite ♠Axx
♠10xxx opposite ♠xx

In the following layouts, the ♠10 is potentially useful:

♠J10x  opposite ♠Qxx
♠Q10x opposite ♠Kxx
♠A10x opposite ♠J9x.

Granted, I chose the examples carefully, but what do you notice? In the first group, the ♠10 is accompanied by only small cards. In the second batch, the ♠10 is accompanied by a higher honor.

In general, a 10 with a higher honor is quite valuable. Accordingly I propose the following guideline:

Add 1/2 point for a 10 if it is accompanied by a higher honor.

True, this is not an exact science. But, I recommend giving it a try to see if your bidding evaluation improves.