Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Overtaking or Undertaking Honors

Overtaking or Undertaking Honors

Generally speaking, it's a bad idea to steal partner's trick by taking his winner with one of your own or playing an honor when it won't win the trick (which I call "undertaking"). That said, sometimes you'll need to play a high honor so that a suit can run or so that partner can switch to a different suit. How good are you at knowing when to overtake or undertake? Find out below. 

You are East. 

WestNorthEast (YOU)South
 Pass  2♠  Pass  2♠
Pass 3NT All Pass  

Lead: ♠K


♠ AK54
♥ 764
♦ A972
♣ 98


East (YOU)

♠ 98764
♥ A8
♦ 543
♣ Q62

Do you play the A or the 8?

Choose One:



You are East. 

WestNorthEast (You)South
Pass Pass Pass  

Lead: ♠K


♠ 875
♥ J73
♦ KQ105
♣ 432


East (YOU)

♠ Q1062
♥ A2
♦ 9762
♣ 865

Do you play the ♠A or the ♠2?

Choose One:



You are East. 

Contract: 4♠

Lead: ♠K

WestNorthEast (You)South
 Pass  2NT*  P   4♠
 All Pass      

*Jacoby 2NT

North (DUMMY)

♠ K975
♥ 43
♦ AQJ76
♣ A8


East (YOU)

♠ A73
♥ A102
♦ 4
♣ 10763

Which card do you play?

Choose One:




You are East. 

Lead: ♠Q

WestNorthEast (You)South
 Pass  3NT  All Pass  


North (DUMMY)

♠ AJ5
♥ 93
♦ A52
♣ K7432


East (YOU)

♠ Q764
♥ J52
♦ 9764
♣ 86

Which card do you play?

Choose One:




You are East. 

   1♠  Pass  1♠
 Pass  2♠  Pass  3♠*
 Pass  3♠  All Pass  

*Help-suit game try

Lead: ♠K

North (DUMMY)

♠ KJ9
♥ K742
♦ 109
♣ KQJ7


East (YOU)

♠ AQ105
♥ 65
♦ AJ87
♣ 108

Which card do you play?

Choose One:





You are East.

 Pass  2♠  Pass  2NT
 Pass  4♠  All Pass  

Lead: ♠A

North (DUMMY)

♠ 762
♥ AQ3
♦ 972
♣ AK107


East (YOU)

♠ QJ102
♥ 984
♦ 86
♣ 5432

What card do you play?

Choose One:





You are East.

WestNorthEast (You)South
 2♠  DBL 3♠   3NT
 All Pass      

Opening lead: ♠J

North (DUMMY)

♠ AQ4
♥ 3
♦ K764
♣ AKQ63


East (YOU)

♠ 8632
♥ QJ6
♦ A983
♣ 64

What do you play?

Choose One:



