Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Bidding the Opponent's Suit

Bidding the Opponent's Suit

What does it mean when you bid the opponent's suit? That's the same question as, "What does 2♠ mean?" It depends.


Bidding the opponent's suit is almost always some sort of forcing bid. The only exception is this auction: (1♠) Pass (1♠) 2♠. Here, 2♠ is natural since the opponents may only have 4 of them, and sometimes you will have five (or usually 6) good hearts.


There are named cuebids like the Western or Eastern cuebid. But cuebidding is an important tool to add to your game as a way of forcing partner to bid again. Sometimes these bids will have particular meaning, but you need to infer that meaning from the auction.


What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

   1♠  1♠  2♠?
Choose One:

Natural, showing spades and 10+points

Showing 10-12 points and heart support (at least 3 cards)

Showing 10+ points and heart support (at least 3 cards)

Asking partner to bid notrump with a stopper


What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

   1♠  2♠?  


Choose One:

Hearts and a good hand

Any two suits

Spades and a minor

Both minors

What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

   1♠  1♠  dbl
Pass 3♠ Pass 3♠?


Choose One:

Shows a spade stopper

Asks for a spade stopper

Shows a good hand for diamonds

Shows a hand with a lot of hearts


What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

   1♠  1♠  2♠
Pass 3♠ Pass 3♠?
Choose One:

Asking for a spade stopper

Promising a first or second round control of spades (with hearts as trump)

Showing a spade suit


What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

   1♠  2♠  4♠?

Choose One:

Asking for a diamond stopper

Showing a first or second round diamond control (with hearts as trump)

Showing the other two suits

Showing a singleton or void in diamonds, a game forcing hand, and 4+ hearts


What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

 1♠  Pass  1♠ 2♠?

Choose One:

Natural, showing hearts and an opening hand

Showing spades and a minor

Asking for a heart stopper for notrump

Showing a first or second round heart control

What does this bid of the opponent's suit mean?

1♠  1♠ dbl  3♠?

Choose One:


Asking for a club stopper for notrump

Showing a club stopper for notrump

Limit raise or better in hearts

Mixed raise in hearts
