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Larry Teaches A Three-Way Choice (Pass, Overcall, or Double) (Webinar Recording aired 9/17/20)

Larry Teaches A Three-Way Choice (Pass, Overcall, or Double) (Webinar Recording aired 9/17/20)

Larry Cohen
Level: Intermediate
Rating :

Larry Teaches Bidding by the Numbers -- A Three-Way Choice (Pass, Overcall, or Double) - Don't let your opponents have the auction all to themselves. In this lecture, Larry will show when you should get in the auction and which action to take be it overcalling or doubling. 
Duration: 1HR 30m
  • These webinars are the fastest and easiest way to improve your game
  • Learn from a pro who can explain it in clear, understandable terms
  • Watch as many times and as often as you want
  • Includes Larry's famous 4 deals in quiz form
  • Includes professionally produced lesson notes
  • KISS (keep it simple sweat heart)

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